You’d never rush into a major purchasing decision without doing your research first. You want to know everything about a product before you spend a lot of money on it, right? Buying a snow plow is definitely a big purchase and one that requires a lot of considerations. Ask yourself and your snow plow dealer a few important questions before you open up your wallet and buy a new snow plow: Plow lifespan: Depending on the size, snow plows can be pretty expensive; the last thing you want to do is pay for a brand-new plow each winter. One of... View Article
Many truck owners find that their trucks simply aren’t complete until they install a topper on the bed. They also find that their Ranch brand truck toppers in Eau Claire, WI are one of the best accessories they’ve ever added to their truck. Here are a few reasons to purchase a truck topper—and a few reasons to choose Ranch when you’re ready to buy! What size cargo do you usually carry? It should come as no surprise that a truck topper can limit the kind and size of cargo you can carry. A truck without a topper can theoretically haul... View Article
Winter is on its way, so even if there’s not much snow falling now, there soon will be. Whether your Boss snow plow has been in storage for the season or it’s already in use, there are some maintenance steps that the pros suggest you look into before the snowy season gets too far underway. From homeowners who own a plow to snow plowing service companies that own them for business, it’s important that, if you own one, you perform a seasonal check of components and get needed repairs made to avoid problems. The time is now to get your... View Article
There’s no doubt that an open bed pickup truck is a great and useful vehicle to own. However, while a lot of the time an open bed is not a problem, there may be occasions that call for the use of a bed cover—more specifically, a shell-like cover that you can install temporarily to make your life or job a little easier. With that in mind, here are five benefits of using truck toppers in Eau Claire, WI: Adds value: Much like how the value of your home can go up as you build room additions, the value of your... View Article
Strong winds, icy streets and drifting snow contribute to hazardous road conditions that can put your safety and the safety of the public at risk. So, whether driving a snow plow is your job or you own one for your property, it’s a good idea to review snow plow safety before the snowy season arrives each year. With that in mind, here are six safety tips for operating your Boss snow plow in Eau Claire, WI: Transport your plow the right way: First, make sure the plow control is turned off—you don’t want it springing into action until you arrive... View Article